May the 4th – Change the Countdown Clock to 350

May the 4th - Change the Countdown Clock to 350


May 4, 2024    
9:00 am - 9:30 am

 Join LexCAN to change the 250th Countdown Clock from 351 – 350!

9 am – In front of the Town Office Building (1625 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington, MA). Bring your own signs about 350ppm.

In a climate-changing world, 350 is a very big number. At 350ppm (parts per million), we had a stable climate. As we have accelerated up to 424ppm, the climate is disrupted and we can see the effects NOW. Lexington is counting down to our 250th celebration of the start of the American Revolution on the Lexington Green. LexCAN has the honor to change the clock to 350 to demonstrate we want ACTION NOW to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and reverse the damage by reaching to move us back down to 350 ppm.