From Darkness to Illumination: Creatively addressing climate through serious fun

From Darkness to Illumination: Creatively addressing climate through serious fun


November 16, 2023    
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Join us to hear Pablo Suarez speak about the positive impact of injecting humor into climate action.

Mr. Suarez is a researcher on climate disasters turned humanitarian worker, innovator, game designer, and creator of serious-yet-fun processes for collaborative learning and dialogue.

He is Innovation Lead for the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, as well as visiting fellow at Boston University, visiting researcher at University of Cambridge, and artist in residence at the
National University of Singapore. A consistently original and engaging communicator, he has run participatory sessions from rural Zambia to the White House and from the Vatican to NASA.

Mr. Suarez will introduce his work, and then lead the audience in an interactive session as we explore new ways to confront the climate crisis. It will be a fun evening and we hope you will join us!

Mark your calendar and register now for the zoom link.