Citizens for Lexington Conservation Annual Meeting

Citizens for Lexington Conservation Annual Meeting


November 21, 2023    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Lexington Community Center
39 Marrett Road, Lexington, MA


Thanks to COVID, it has been a few years since Citizens for Lexington Conservation had an Annual Meeting but it’s back! And to celebrate we are having a wonderful speaker, Barbara Katzenberg, a Lexingtoninan whose talk will be “Observing Lexington’s Biodiversity Using iNaturalist.”

In the past few years, applications to help people identify organisms have proliferated using various forms of AI capability. The non-profit iNaturalist has the added benefit of bringing together an international community of naturalists–both amateur and professional– who contribute by confirming identifications, discussing findings, and creating projects and teaching materials usings its content.  Barbara Katzenberg has been documenting plant life in Lexington in iNaturalist since 2021 and to date has identified 498 wild species, primarily in our conservation lands. In this talk she will demonstrate the use of iNaturalist, including tips to get started, and show some of her findings including images of Lexington’s two pawpaw groves as they appear at different times of the year.  There will be a handout to help people get started.

The meeting will be IN PERSON at the Lexington Community Center on November 21 at 7 pm in the dining room (so there will be refreshments!). We look forward to seeing you there.